Transportation Assistance
In association with the Senior Connection, local volunteer drivers are available for up to FOUR (4) escorted round trips per month, per client to a pre-scheduled appointment. Acceptable appointments include:
- Medical appointments
- Pharmacies for medication
- Senior, social and recreation activities
- Religious services
- Trips to the bank or post office
- Stores for grocery or other shopping*
*Volunteers may also shop for groceries and prepare meals depending on need.

Friendly Visits and Calls
In association with the Senior Connection, MCV volunteers visit with neighbors who must largely remain in their homes due to age, illness, injury or loss of a spouse. These friendly visits and calls are intended for checking in and making sure these neighbors are OK, boost their spirits and reduce their social isolation and loneliness.

To request transportation assistance, friendly visits and calls, please contact us at:
Telephone: 240-686-5870
Or write to us at:
Mill Creek Village
17713 Caddy Drive
Derwood, MD 20855