The Planning Board is considering making a recommendation to the County Council to remove the unbuilt northern and southern extensions of Midcounty Highway Extended (M-83), including the adjacent unbuilt bikeway, from the master plan. To give the community more opportunities to testify, the Planning Board has scheduled a third public hearing for Thursday, January 9, 2025, at 6 p.m. at the Upcounty Regional Services Center (12900 Middlebrook Road, Germantown, MD 20874). Testimony will be in-person only.
Community members are encouraged to sign up to testify in person at the public hearing. The deadline for signing up to testify, or submitting written testimony for distribution at the hearing is Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at noon. Additional written comments for inclusion in the public record can be submitted to the Planning Board via email through noon on Friday, January 24, 2025. All written comments must reference the hearing date, the item, and include your mailing address.
Here is a link to county information about it.
To get a picture of the affected area on the masterplan atlas go to:
You can also google Midcounty Highway and look at the extension on the southern end. If you look at an aerial street view, you can get a better idea of how close the right of way for the road, shown as trees, is to the homes and parks next to it.
This link shows the road with its required easements:
(you will have to go to the southern end of Midcounty Hwy.)
Opportunities to Comment:
**Sign up to testify:
**Submit comments by email directly to:
mcp-chair@mncppc-mc.org or send by US mail to address above, to the attention of Planning Board Chair Artie Harris